Dependency Status Review Policy

General Information

管理联邦学生援助计划的法律是基于这样一个前提,即家庭是学生经济支持的第一来源, 法律提供了几个标准来决定学生是否独立于父母获得学生经济援助资格. 请注意,年满18岁或21岁或与父母分开居住的学生不影响其抚养地位.

If the student is considered a dependent of his parents, 父母的收入和资产信息必须包括在FAFSA上. The U. S. 教育部的处理器(CPS)将计算家长的贡献,并将其与学生的贡献相加,从而得出预期家庭贡献(EFC)。.


财政援助管理员(FAA)可以根据特殊情况的学生的具体情况批准依赖覆盖. If the FAA determines that an override is appropriate, 她必须写一份声明,详细说明这一决定,并且必须在学生档案中包括声明和支持文件. However, none of the conditions listed below, individually, or in combination, qualify as unusual circumstances meriting a dependency override:

  1. Parents refuse to contribute to the student’s education;
  2. 家长不愿意提供有关FAFSA或核实的信息;
  3. 家长不申报学生为受抚养人以缴纳所得税;
  4. Student demonstrates total self-sufficiency.

Unusual circumstances do include 受虐待的家庭环境或被父母遗弃,并可能导致上述任何情况. In such cases a dependency override might be warranted.

这些条件的存在并不会取消学生成为无家可归或自食其力并有无家可归风险的无人陪伴青年的资格. 如上所述,这样一个年龄太大而不能成为年轻人的学生应该获得依赖撤销.

援助管理员只能覆盖从依赖到独立(尽管如前面所建议的), if an independent student receives substantial support from others, 学校可以使用PJ来调整COA或FAFSA数据项目(如未征税收入)。

Instructions and Requirements for a Dependency Override


有哪些家庭情况禁止你提供父母的信息? 您是否经历过以下任何情况或情况,或是否存在以下任何情况或情况?

  1. Emotional abuse
  2. Physical abuse
  3. Sexual abuse
  4. Abandonment by your parents
  5. Physically threatened by your parent or step-parent
  6. One parent is deceased
  7. One or both parent(s) is/are incarcerated
  8. Substance abuse in the household

写一份关于为什么你不能在联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)上提供父母收入信息的情况摘要。. 上述列举的情况并不意味着包括所有可能适用的情况.

您的书面总结和解释可以打印或书写(只要清晰可读). Your summary and explanation are not restricted to a certain length.

提供一份关于你如何满足基本生活必需品的书面解释.e., housing, food, clothing, and transportation.

你有足够的收入和经济资源来完全养活自己吗? Explain your income that is sufficient to support yourself.

Provide a copy of your most recently completed U.S. Income Tax Return.

Who provides the benefits of housing, food, clothing, 如果你的收入不足以养活自己,你的交通费? If these benefits are provided to you, 解释一下为你提供这些费用的情况.

Provide proof if any of the following exist or have existed:

  1. You have been in foster care
  2. You have been a dependent or ward of the court
  3. You are an emancipated minor
  4. You have been in a legal guardianship

Provide written documentation from a third party.

异常情况的文件应由了解您情况的第三方提供. 可接受的提供第三方文件的人员包括, but, are not limited to, a teacher, counselor, high school principal, attorney, medical authority, or member of the clergy.

NOTE: 只有在您提交确认后,您的审核请求才会被考虑. 私人朋友、家庭成员或亲属的声明不被接受.

Students without parent support

父母拒绝支持的学生没有资格获得依赖撤销, but they may be able to receive unsubsidized Stafford loans only. For a student to be eligible for this provision, UNA学生经济援助办公室(SFA)必须得到以下文件:(1)他的父母拒绝为他的FAFSA提供信息;(2)他们没有也不会向他提供任何经济支持. Include the date support ended.If the parents refuse to sign and date a statement to this effect, SFA必须从第三方获得文件(学生本人是不够的), such as a teacher, counselor, cleric, or court.

如上所述,这种情况不能证明依赖项覆盖是合理的. But as with overrides, 解决这种情况是由联合国财政援助管理员(FAA)自行决定的。. If the FAA decides that a student falls into this category, 我们将记录我们的决定,并确保学生提交FAFSA并通过所有资格匹配.The result will be a rejected application with no EFC. 然后,SFA可以根据学生的年级水平,为学生提供无补贴的斯塔福德贷款,最高可达学生通常有资格获得的最高金额(但不是当学生的父母无法获得PLUS贷款时,学生可以获得的金额)。. See DCL GEN-08-12 for more information.

Additional Information

K8彩乐园不接受在同一奖励年度由另一所学校批准的依赖撤销. 学生需要向K8彩乐园提供所有证明文件,以证明批准依赖覆盖.

依赖覆盖不会自动从一个授予年度延续到下一个授予年度. 学生必须以书面形式确认不寻常的家庭情况仍然存在,以便在下一学年撤销申请.