
  • 希望E. 巴克利(2023)
  • 艾玛·希格比(2023)
  • 贝瑟妮·特纳(2023)
  • 尼古拉斯·爱德华兹(2019)
  • 朱莉·理查森(2019)
  • 阿什利·梅西(2019)
追求: 社会工作硕士
作为我与Dr. Berkowitz on advocacy and policy work, attend advocacy day for the NASW in Montgomery.
追求: 学士在 电影艺术与戏剧
With The Business of Auditioning and Directing, I propose that I combine these two crucial skills. 由阿比盖尔·迪拉德指挥, I will assist her with all aspects of the semester’s stage production, 帮助她的任何需要与她的课程, 并且会帮助她做任何她需要的事情. The auditioning aspect of this study will include local theaters, 学生的电影, 外部的机会. 有了这些试镜机会, I will write about my experience with each one I attend and whether or not I got the job. This will also include updating my resume if I receive any job offers, as well as two (2) audition reels (one for strictly acting and another for vocal highlights), 标准的音乐剧试镜书, 还有一个网站. 如果可能的话, attending certain productions throughout the semester will also be included in the study, 每次生产后都要进行反思. 到学期末, I will have a comprehensive journal of every audition or job I attended, as well as any assignments I was given regarding classes and the semester’s stage production.
追求: 社会工作硕士学位
This semester I am enrolled in an independent study elective that focuses on legislative advocacy. When I decided to pursue an MSW, I chose this field because of how broad it is. 我的教育背景是政治学, and my hope for this program was that I would learn how to effectively engage with communities and organizations and develop a strong foundation of advocacy skills. This independent study course will allow me to collaborate with NASW-AL to plan Advocacy Day in Montgomery during the 2023 Legislative Session. One of my main responsibilities in preparation for Advocacy Day will be working in collaboration with another student to create one-page fact sheets summarizing the bills that we will be advocating for and stating the social work position on the proposed bills for students to bring with them to their appointments with state legislators. I think we often forget that as citizens we hold the power to change our communities when we can come together, 分享我们的故事, and make our voices heard by those who are elected to serve and represent us. Helping prepare for Advocacy Day is a great learning experience, 但没有什么比亲自参与更重要的了. Advocacy Day will be a full-day event of speakers from organizations in our state that advocate for equality and social justice year-round and a panel discussion on policy, 准备与立法机关的会议.

追求: 英语文学硕士

教师 赞助商: Dr. 凯蒂Owens-Murphy

Title: 监狱内外交换计划教官培训

摘要: 从6月14日到6月20日, I will be attending an Instructor Training Institute at Limestone Correctional Facility in order to become an Inside-Out Instructor. 这个培训项目是全面的, 60+ hour intensive week that covers everything necessary to develop a course in the Inside-Out model. 我将通过观察来学习, 实践经验, and engagement with groups of incarcerated individuals who have years of experience in the Inside-Out methodology. 完成本次培训后, it is my hope that I will then be able to teach an Inside-Out course on gender studies at Limestone Correctional Facility through the K8彩乐园.

追求: 心理学学士

教师赞助商: Dr. 瑞安Zayac

Title: Mind the gap: An assessment of faculty gender composition in applied behavior analysis graduate and undergraduate programs.

摘要: 像李, 亚洲区, 普里查德, 和Poling(2018)指出, 根据作者资料, women’s participation in behavior-analytic research has increased substantially over the years. However, they are still underrepresented as both authors and editors. One reason this may occur is due to women occupying fewer behavior-analytic faculty positions than males, 尽管82年.2% of all Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) being female (68.3% at the doctoral level; Nosik & 成长,2015). The current study was designed to examine the gender composition of faculty teaching in applied behavior analysis (ABA) graduate and undergraduate programs in the United States. 尽管82年.2% (68.3% at the doctoral level) of all BCBAs being female, our results showed that only 59.在美国律师协会中,有8%隶属于vcs的教员是女性. 此外, of those individuals who had been promoted to Full Professor, males were almost three times as likely to have achieved that rank than females (57% vs 43%). These results are consistent with prior research that found gender disparities in ABA faculty, 包括显著的性别收入差距(李, Gravina, 普里查德, & 立杆,2019). Although substantial progress has been made by women in the field of ABA in the areas of research and service (e.g., 奖学金, 专业组织的领导), clearly females are still underrepresented and undercompensated in academia (Nosik, 路加福音, & 卡尔,2019). Our hope is that by having a clearer understanding of these discrepancies, 我们的领域可以开始解决这些问题.

追求: 学士 政治科学

教师资助: Dr. 利亚·格雷厄姆

Title: Digital hatred: The rhetoric of Internet hate groups and militants

摘要/描述: This project seeks to create a model to predict the likelihood of terrorist/extremist violence based on the rhetoric of individuals on the Internet.  The model will also determine if there is an increase in extremist language on the Internet prior to terrorist/extremist events.

米切尔-韦斯特社会中心 包容 awards* $500 travel scholarships to students who are currently working in 包容平等和多样性! Individuals who received these travel funds are now a part of our "包容 学者"! We are so excited about the opportunity to fund students who are leading initiatives and making changes happen.

*To be eligible, students must present their research or creative activity at a conference.